About us
Darah Wisdom strives to guide people, but especially children and young adults, in their personal and social development. Darah Wisdom does this by providing after-school education, homework counseling, social educational activities and individual-oriented courses and workshops.
We exist as an organization called Darah Wisdomwisdom since September 6, 2010 and since August 22, 2017 we are (foundation) Fundashon Darah Wisdom. We can look back to many and many children and families that we have been able to help on a cognitive, educational and social-emotional level. We have had the opportunity to make many dreams come true and discover hidden talents.
We achieve all this through our different programs:
After school education program
Exam training
Ict projects
Vacation Projects
Parent education meetings
Social support for our children and their parents / caretakers.
It is our honor and favor to be able to contribute in this way to improve their future and that of our island. We focus our activities on underprivileged families to give them a fair chance to work on their capacities.